Working Groups

Actions for the Joint Platform are being developed through three Working Groups

Each Working Group are co-chaired by two leaders involved in Bay Area adaptation with staffing support from BCDC and other agencies and non-profit organizations. 

Working Groups include various subject matter experts and perspectives, striving for diverse, inter-disciplinary expertise. Working Groups recommend consensus-based actions for the Joint Platform.

Each of the three Working Groups will be responding to a major guiding question:

Regional Consistency: What are the necessary steps to ensure that Bay Area jurisdictions plan together toward shared regional outcomes?

  • Co-chairs: Caitlin Sweeney, San Francisco Estuary Partnership, and John Coleman, Bay Planning Coalition

Local Planning:  How can we support local adaptation planning in a way that is consistent and accessible to resource-constrained local jurisdictions?

  • Co-chairs: Jack Liebster, Marin County, Phoenix Armenta, West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project

Project Implementation:  How can we expedite the delivery of high-quality adaptation projects?

  • Co-chairs: Jeremy Lowe, San Francisco Estuary Institute, and Erika Powell, Coastal Hazards Adaptation Resiliency Group (CHARG)

For more information on Working Groups, please contact Dana Brechwald, [email protected]

Figure of the three Bay Adapt Work Groups
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